Gaming Schedule - Fridays, Saturdays
                                      & Sundays




Friday                       7:00 PM Board Games from the Library hosted by Ken. New players welcome
Dec. 6:                         7:00 PM  Magic the Gathering open play  

Saturday                   10:00 AM  Battletech hosted by the Fire for Effect Group.  New players welcome 
Dec. 7:                          10:00 AM  Starfinder RPG hosted by Will  New players welcome   

Dec. 8: 


Friday                     7:00 PM   Board Games from the Library hosted by Ken  New players welcome   
Dec. 13:                        7:00 PM   RPG ROOM available           

Saturday                 10:00 AM  Battletech miniatures hosted by the Fire for Effect Group

Dec. 14:                       10:00 AM  Pathfinder Society RPG hosted by Bill  New players welcome   
Sunday                 Noon  Board Games from the Library hosted by Craig and Pat  New players welcome
Dec. 15:                  Noon  Champions RPG hosted by Brian Jordan


Friday                     7:00 PM   Board Games from the Library hosted by Ken  New players welcome   
Dec. 20:                         7:00 PM   RPG ROOM available           

Saturday                 10:00 AM  Battletech miniatures hosted by the Fire for Effect Group

Dec. 21:                     10:00 AM  Starfinder RPG hosted by Will  New players welcome   
Dec. 22: 


Friday                         7:00 PM Board Games from the Library hosted by Ken. New players welcome
Dec. 27:                         7:00 PM   RPG Room available

Saturday                      10:00 AM  Pathfinder Society RPG hosted by Bill  New players welcome 
Dec. 28:                          10:00 AM Battletech miniatures hosted by the Fire for Effect Group 


Dec. 29:
